Monday, November 23, 2009

Propaganda Advertsing

Appeal to Fear

The first poster is an attempt to get smokers to quit by showing the pain caused by smoking with a fish hook, it is also a metaphor for addiction. The second ad is aimed at parents, the goal is to get parents to visit to make up an emergency plan for their family.

Propaganda Posters

Appeal to Fear

These posters use fear to call Americans to action. The one on top shows Hitler and a Japanese man (our enemies during World Wars 1 and 2) in front of a forest fire to sow how a national tragedy leaves us vunerable to attack. In the second posted Hitler promises to have Storm Troopers in the US.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Art Nouveau

Wes Wilson -Art Nouveau
Most of his posters have very natural shapes and he uses bright colors and a lot of contrast. In many of his posters he uses text to create the feeling of water or fire.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Milton Glaser

Red Heart

Gilbert Shelton

Shiva's Headband
The Millers Tale

Wes Wilson


Stanley Mouse

The lion